TelChem SpaCare Sparkle
Description Clarifier - Coagulant Increases shine and clarity in spa and hydrotherapy pools. Assists sanitisers and improves spa filtr...
View full detailsDescription Clarifier - Coagulant Increases shine and clarity in spa and hydrotherapy pools. Assists sanitisers and improves spa filtr...
View full detailsDescription Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate Reduces pH in spa & hydrotherapy pools. Prevents scale build up, protects surfaces and improve...
View full detailsDescription Sodium Carbonate Raises the pH in spa water. Prevents acidic water and protects equipment.
Description Formulated Bromine powder product. Raises Bromine levels, adjusts total alkalinity, pH and calcium levels in spa and hydrot...
View full detailsDescription Bicarbonate of Soda Raises the total alkalinity in spa water. Improves clarity.
Description Potassium Monopersulphate Non chlorine shock treatment for spas and pools. Eliminates organic wastes, improves clarity, com...
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