Acetic Acid Glacial LR
Description Acetic Acid Glacial LR is widely used in the food industry including in processing and is also used in various other indus...
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Description Acetic Acid Glacial LR is widely used in the food industry including in processing and is also used in various other indus...
View full detailsDescription Ammonia Solution 25% For use in Agriculture, cleaning, manufacturing, food and beverage, water treatment, laboratory resea...
View full detailsDescription Ammonia Solution 25% - Analytical Reagent For use in Agriculture, cleaning, manufacturing, food and beverage, water treatm...
View full detailsDescription Sulphuric Acid 34% Reagent for lead acid batteries, pH adjustment, metal processing & electroplating.
Description Chloroform is used as a solvent in organic chemistry, in photography and in making dyes, drugs and pesticides. Other uses ...
View full detailsDescription Copper Nitrate LR In organic synthesis it is used as a nitration reagent and also as an oxidant, catalyst and promoter.
Description Diethyl Ether is used in the production or rubber, plastics, paints, coatings, perfumes and cosmetics. It is used as a so...
View full detailsDescription Formaldehyde is used in industrial applications for the production of different types of resins. It is also a well known t...
View full detailsDescription Glycerol has many uses not limited to being used in the construction of oil and gas wells.
Description Hydrogen Peroxide 35% - Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is used widely in industry because it has excellent whitening, b...
View full detailsDescription Food producers use hydrogen peroxide 35% for a variety of purposes, including processing some foods and bleaching wheat fl...
View full detailsDescription Lugols solution is used as a medication and disinfectant for a number of purposes.
Description Methylene Chloride is used across various industries but in particular in the plastic / moulding sectors, in chemical proc...
View full detailsDescription Propan has a wide range of uses including being an antiseptic and solvent, cleanser and disinfectant and is commonly used ...
View full detailsDescription Zinc is used in making brass, paints and die casting of precision components. It is also used in galvanising as an anti-c...
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